7 N Bloodworth St
Raleigh NC 27601

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Our Family Law Office

7 N Bloodworth St
Raleigh, NC 27601
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Bosquez Porter Family Law Office

Our firm operates out of 7 North Bloodworth Street, a house located in Raleigh’s historic Oakwood neighborhood. With the intention of creating a more inviting and comfortable space for our clients, we completed a total renovation in 2022.

Designed with Mediation in Mind

During our office renovation, we sought to develop a layout conducive to mediation. With this in mind, we established new conference rooms on separate floors. The multi-story setup allows parties to confer with counsel in private while maintaining close proximity–no need to run back and forth across town, multiple days in a row.

Get in touch if you'd like to get the most out of mediation.

Upstairs Conference Room
Downstairs Conference Room


Parking is available along the left side of our office or in front, along the street. There are also parking lots nearby at 227 E Edenton Street Parking, Long Center Parking at 220 E Morgan Street, 107-109 E Morgan Street Parking, and Blount Morgan Public Parking at 220 E Morgan Street.

Parking is available along the left side of our office or in front, along the street.

Office Building History

The land on which our office now stands was purchased by Helen M. Smith in 1904 for $750.00. Named after its first owner, the house was designed by prominent North Carolina architect and contractor William P. Rose and was built in 1906 at a cost of $2,300.00.

Rose’s other works includes construction of the original Guilford County Courthouse in 1918 and the Revenue Building on Capitol Square in Raleigh in 1927.

Original Greensboro Courthouse
Revenue Building · Raleigh, NC

The Oakwood Historical Society lists our house as a “Neoclassical Revival frame foursquare” that was built for “Helen Smith, wife of W.R. Smith of the Caraleigh Mills Company.” It is currently unknown why the house was specifically built for Mrs. Smith, rather than for her and her husband together.

191 Stanborne Map of Raleigh, showing the newly completed 7 N Bloodworth Street

In addition to serving as a residence for many years, the building has continuously served as an office since 1960, including as a law office for a local tax attorney from 1978 to 2002. The house maintains its original floors and wood details, and retains its early-twentieth-century charm. Bosquez Porter Family Law purchased and renovated the building in 2022. The building features a parlor and two spacious conference rooms for the use of our clients and guests. We look forward to welcoming you into our home while we help you navigate your family law needs.

Start a conversation

We're here to help. However, submitting this form does not by itself create an attorney-client relationship, so please simply provide your name, contact information, and a brief description of the legal issue. We will be in touch soon.


7 N Bloodworth St
Raleigh, NC 27601
tel: 919-834-3699 | fax: 919-300-5516
[email protected]
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© 2025 Bosquez Porter Family Law, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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